Friday, January 23, 2009

Car Talk

Please grab a WSJ from the back counter and read the "Driver's Ed" article on page 18. These are tips that can keep your car running longer. After reading the article answer the questions below on your blog. 

1. Why is it important to read a vehicle owner's manual?
2. How might you be able to increase the life of a cars tires?

Next visit Edmond's (if the site does not load right away hit F5 to refresh the page)to price your car or a car you would like. list the following on your blog
A. A picture of the car
B. The TMV price of the car
C. The pros and con's of the car.
D. One other price of information that you found interesting about your car. 

See more Car Pictures at

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finance Topics

Stock Market
Credit Cards
Loans (home,car,student)
Simple Budgets
Economics (graph analysis)
Please provide a list of questions you have about the topics above. post at least four questions.